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Evaluating the effect of multiple sclerosis lesions on automatic brain structure segmentation




In recent years, many automatic brain structure segmentation methods have been proposed. However, thesemethods are commonly tested with non-lesioned brains and the effect of lesions on their performance has notbeen evaluated. Here, we analyze the effect of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions on three well-known automaticbrain structure segmentation methods, namely, FreeSurfer, FIRST and multi-atlas fused by majority voting,which use learning-based, deformable and atlas-based strategies, respectively. To perform a quantitativeanalysis, 100 synthetic images of MS patients with a total of 2174 lesions are simulated on two public databaseswith available brain structure ground truth information (IBSR18 and MICCAI’12). The Dice similarity coefficient(DSC) differences and the volume differences between the healthy and the simulated images are calculated forthe subcortical structures and the brainstem. We observe that the three strategies are affected when lesions arepresent. However, the effects of the lesions do not follow the same pattern; the lesions either make thesegmentation method underperform or surprisingly augment the segmentation accuracy. The obtained resultsshow that FreeSurfer is the method most affected by the presence of lesions, with DSC differences (generated −healthy) ranging from−0.11 ± 0.54 to 9.65 ± 9.87, whereas FIRST tends to be the most robust method whenlesions are present (−2.40 ± 5.54 to 0.44 ± 0.94). Lesion location is not important for global strategies suchas FreeSurfer or majority voting, where structure segmentation is affected wherever the lesions exist. On theother hand, FIRST is more affected when the lesions are overlaid or close to the structure of analysis. The mostaffected structure by the presence of lesions is the nucleus accumbens (from −1.12 ± 2.53 to 1.32 ± 4.00 forthe left hemisphere and from −2.40 ± 5.54 to 9.65 ± 9.87 for the right hemisphere), whereas the structuresthat show less variation include the thalamus (from 0.03 ± 0.35 to 0.74 ± 0.89 and from −0.48 ± 1.08 to−0.04 ± 0.22) and the brainstem (from −0.20 ± 0.38 to 1.03 ± 1.31). The three segmentation approachesare affected by the presence of MS lesions, which demonstrates that there exists a problem in the automaticsegmentation methods of the deep gray matter (DGM) structures that has to be taken into account when usingthem as a tool to measure the disease progression
机译:近年来,已经提出了许多自动脑结构分割方法。但是,这些方法通常是用非病变的大脑测试的,尚未评估病变对其性能的影响。在这里,我们分析了多发性硬化(MS)病变对三种著名的自动脑结构分割方法,即FreeSurfer,FIRST和多数投票融合的多图集的影响,这些方法使用基于学习,可变形和基于图集的策略,分别。为了进行定量分析,在两个具有可用的大脑结构基础真相信息(IBSR18和MICCAI'12)的公共数据库上模拟了100个MS患者的合成图像,总共2174个病变。计算皮层下结构和脑干的健康和模拟图像之间的骰子相似系数(DSC)差异和体积差异。我们观察到,当存在病变时,这三种策略都会受到影响。但是,病变的影响方式并不相同。病变使碎片化方法表现不佳或令人惊讶地提高了分割精度。获得的结果表明,FreeSurfer是受病变存在影响最大的方法,DSC差异(生成的-健康状态)的范围为-0.11±0.54至9.65±9.87,而当存在病变时,FIRST往往是最可靠的方法(−2.40 ±5.54至0.44±0.94)。对于诸如FreeSurfer或多数表决之类的全局策略而言,病变的位置并不重要,因为无论病变存在于何处,结构分割都会受到影响。另一方面,当病变覆盖或接近分析结构时,FIRST受到的影响更大。受病变影响最大的结构是伏隔核(左半球从−1.12±2.53至1.32±4.00,右半球从−2.40±5.54至9.65±9.87),而变化较小的结构包括丘脑(从0.03±0.35到0.74±0.89,从-0.48±1.08到-0.04±0.22)和脑干(从-0.20±0.38到1.03±1.31)。这三种分割方法均受MS病变的影响,这表明在深灰质(DGM)结构的自动分割方法中存在一个问题,在将其用作测量疾病进展的工具时必须予以考虑


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